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Towards Sustainable World!
Largest Long Term LNG Portfolio in India
Petronet LNG Limited is one of the fastest growing world-class Public Limited Company in the India energy sector. It has set up the country's first LNG receiving and regasification terminal at Dahej, Gujarat with present nominal capacity of 17.5 MMTPA and another terminal at Kochi, Kerala having a nominal capacity of 5 MMTPA.
Petronet LNG Limited (PLL) formed on April 2, 1998 as Joint Venture Company (JVC) having 50% shareholding of leading 4 Oil & Gas PSUs by GOI order dated July 4, 1997. An Independent Board managed JVC created for development of facilities for the import, storage and regasification of Liquefied Natural Gas. With equity participation from four Oil & Gas Maharatnas viz. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), GAIL (India) Limited (GAIL) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL). Participation of Public Sector to the extent of 50%, balance 50% equity is being held by Public, FIIs, FPIs, Mutual Funds etc.
Sustainable, Reliable & Affordable Energy!
Largest Long Term LNG Portfolio in India
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The difference between who you are and who you can become is often the key to overcoming challenges. Let's start this week by challenging ourselves to bridge the gap between our actions and our abilities and strive to reach our full potential. #MondayMotivation pic.twitter.com/z2HVwDOjG4
— Petronet LNG Limited (@PetronetLNGLtd) August 5, 2024