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Press Release

Dahej LNG Terminal Receives its 1000th Long Term Cargo

29 dec. 2014

Petronet LNG announced the arrival of its 1000th cargo under its long term contract with RasGas at Dahej LNG Terminal from Ras-Laffan, Qatar. The Cargo loaded on Petronet's first vessel Disha on 22nd December, 2014 and arrived at Dahej on 26th December, 2014.

RasGas and Petronet's relationship signed the first sales and purchase agreement (SPA) in 1999 for 7.5 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTA). The global energy supplier currently makes regular deliveries to Petronet's Dahej Terminals in India under the SPA which is transported through Petronet's vessels Disha, Raahi and Aseem.

Petronet LNG Limited, India premier LNG company had set up first LNG receiving and regasification terminal at Dahej in the State of Gujarat which commenced operations in 2004. The Terminal which has been expanded to include a second LNG jetty and accommodate larger vessels up to Q-Max size LNG vessels in April 2014. Earlier in February 2013, Petronet had successfully unloaded 1000th cargo at Dahej in a short span of about 9 years.

"We are glad to receive 1000th long term vessel at Dahej Terminal and we value the relationship between RasGas and Petronet. The LNG SPA between Petronet and RasGas has been instrumental in development of LNG markets in India" said Dr. A K Balyan, MD & CEO, Petronet LNG Limited.

Petronet LNG Limited, presently operating Dahej terminal of 10 MMTPA in the West Coast of India and Kochi LNG terminal of 5 MMTPA capacity in the South Coast of India. Petronet is meeting approximate 30% of the country gas demand. Petronet being the pioneer and leading LNG Player in India has so far sourced approximate 1250+ cargoes at its Dahej LNG Terminal. The Dahej Terminal is further being expanded to 15 MMTPA capacity. In September, 2013, Petronet has commissioned its 5 MMTPA LNG terminal at Kochi in the State of Kerala. Petronet is also scouting opportunity of setting up of its third terminal at Gangavaram on the East Coast of India.

Source: Dahej, India