PLL’s Milestones - Petronetlng

PLL's Milestones
- Milestone
PLL signed the LNG SPA with Qatar Energy for purchase of 7.5 MMTPA for supply period from 01st May 2028 to 31st December 2048
The foundation stone for the Petrochemicals Project at Dahej was laid by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India on 12th March 2024
PLL's long-term chartered LNG vessels Aseem and Rahi achieved their 500th voyage and 700th voyage
Signing of Agreement for LNG Terminal at Gopalpur, Odisha
2022"Petronet LNG Singapore Pte. Ltd." (PLSPL) was incorporated as a WoS
2021Petronet Energy Limited (PEL) was incorporated for LNG Bunkering, GUCD of LNG ships, supply of heel to LNG vessels and other allied services
2019Dahej Expansion from 15 to 17.5 MTPA
Loaded 500th Disha load at Qatar in a record time of 13 years.
Petronet LNG Foundation (PLF), was incorporated as WoS to carry out CSR initiatives.
2016Dahej terminal expanded to 15 MMTPA
2013Shipment agreement with Prachi / Regas agreements with GSPC and BPCL for Dahej expansion
2012Regas agreement with GAIL for Dahej expansion
2010Gas sales agreement with GAIL, IOCL, BPCL for kochi
2009Dahej Expansion to 10 MMTPA / SPA with Exxon Mobil for supplies from Australia
200724 spot LNG cargos to review Dabhol power plant / MOU with GMB for second jetty
IPO launched at a price of Rs.15 for tying up 35% of the share capital
PLL received its first LNG Cargo and commences supplying regasified LNG
2003Gas sales agreements with GAIL, IOCL, BPCL
2001Shipping agreements Disha & Raahi
2000Dahej Terminal Construction Started
1999LNG SPA with RasGas of Qatar
1998Formed to import LNG and setup LNG terminals