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Press Release

Press Release Qtr 02 2017-18

08 Nov 2017

  • Highest ever quantity of LNG processed in Qr II, 2017-18, at 220 TBTU
  • Highest ever Profit Before Tax (PBT) in Qr II, 2017-18, at Rs 850 Cr
  • Highest ever Profit After Tax (PAT) in Qr II, 2017-18, at Rs 589 Cr

During the quarter ended 30th September, 2017 (current quarter), PLL processed highest ever combined throughput in a quarter at 220 TBTU.

The Dahej terminal processed highest ever quantity of 210 TBTU of LNG and had operated at around 110% of its name plate capacity. The Dahej Terminal witnessed increase in hroughput over the previous quarter by 14% (Q1 17-18 at 184 TBTU) and increase in throughput over the corresponding quarter by 14% (Q2 16-17 at 185 TBTU) respectively. The Kochi Terminal processed highest ever quantity of 10 TBTU of LNG.

The Company has reported highest ever Profit Before Tax (PBT) in a quarter, of Rs 850 Crore, witnessing a growth of 28% over the previous quarter (Q1 17-18 at Rs 666 Cr), and a growth of 26% over the corresponding quarter (Q2 2016-17 at Rs 677 Cr) respectively.

The Company has reported highest ever Profit After Tax (PAT) in a quarter, of Rs 589 Crore, which registered a growth of 35% over the previous quarter (Q1 17-18 at 438 Cr), and a growth of 28% over the corresponding quarter (Q2 16-17 at Rs 460 Cr).

The growth in both PBT and PAT is due to higher volumes processed because of the increase in the Regasification capacity, post expansion of the Dahej Terminal and better efficiency achieved in the operations.