LNG Transportation - Petronetlng

LNG Transportation
LNG Transportation
PLL imports 7.5 MMTPA of LNG on Free on Board (FOB) basis, from Ras Laffan, Qatar, since 2004. To secure steady freight rates and reliability of transportation, three dedicated LNG carriers namely Disha (138K), Raahi (138K) and Aseem (155K) were chartered on long term basis for a duration of 25 years. These vessels are owned by joint venture companies namely India LNG Transport Company No.1 Limited (Disha), India LNG Transport Company No. 2 Limited (Raahi) and India LNG Transport Company Limited No. 3 (Aseem). These joint ventures comprises reputed ship owners viz. MOL, NYK Line, K-Line, Milaha, Nakilat and Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. (SCI). Technical management and manning of these vessels is carried out by SCI.

Disha, Raahi and Aseem are among the highest utilized LNG ships of the World LNG fleet. All together these three ships have successfully completed over 2000 voyages for PLL. Another, FOB long-term LNG supply from Gorgon, Australia started in November 2016. PLL chartered fourth LNG vessel namely Prachi (173K), for supply of LNG from Gorgon. This vessel is owned by joint venture company namely India LNG Transport Company No. 4 Limited. This joint venture company was formed by a consortium of reputed ship owners viz. MOL, NYK Line, K-Line and SCI.

Technical management and manning of this vessel is also carried out by SCI. In 2018, FOB delivery was changed to Delivery Ex Ship (DES) and this fourth long term-chartered LNG vessel Prachi was novated to Exxon Mobil. PLL holds 3% equity stake in India LNG Transport Company No. 3 Limited and 26% equity stake in India LNG Transport Company No. 4 Limited. PLL has proactively started the new environmental compliances required by amendments to the Annex VI of International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), for its long term-chartered vessels, namely Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and the annual operational Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) & ratings, through its vessel operators. LNG vessels Disha and Raahi commenced operating with Energy Power Limitation (EPL) from November 2023 and February 2024, respectively to meet EEXI & CII requirements, marking a positive step towards reduction of GHG emissions from ships to net zero. PLL also manages marine operation activities at its Dahej and Kochi LNG terminals. Composite port services viz. pilotage, tug, towage, moorings etc. are being hired from reputed port operation service providers on long term basis. The shipping and port operations are meticulously planned to meet energy security needs of the country and are closely monitored to respond promptly, against any sudden changes in the supply-demand balance. These operations are being run efficiently with highest priority to safe operations and optimized fuel consumptions, paying utmost regard to the environmental aspects.