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Press Release

Press Release First Quarter Financial

07 szept. 2016

  • Profit of Rs 378 Crore – Highest profit ever in any quarter
  • Capacity utilization of 130% at the Dahej Terminal – Highest ever volume processed in a quarter

During the quarter ended June 30, 2016 (current quarter), the Company's Dahej terminal has operated at around 130% of its name plate capacity. The volume of 165 TBTU regasified at the Dahej terminal is a 11% increase as compared to previous quarter and 77% increase as compared to the corresponding quarter. Kochi terminal, however handled only 3 TBTUs of LNG along with the reload services and primarily served two consumers in the vicinity of the terminal i.e., Kochi refinery and FACT.

The Company has reported the profit of Rs 378 Crore in the current quarter which is highest profit after tax in any of the previous quarters. The profit before tax of Rs. 556 crore in current quarter is an increase of about 55% over the previous quarter (i.e. Rs. 357 crore) and 124% increase over the corresponding quarter (i.e. Rs 248 crore). The reason for this significant increase in profit over the comparative quarters is higher volumes processed and better efficiency.

The work for expansion of Dahej LNG terminal from 10 MMTPA to 15 MMTPA has been partially commissioned (except storage tanks) and currently under stabilization. It is expected that the entire facility under expansion will be completed by October, 2016.