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Press Release Q1 2023-24 Financial Results

31 Jul 2023

  • Highest ever PBT and PAT in the first quarter of any of the previous financial years.
  • Growth in volume throughput in current quarter Q1, FY 2023-24 over previous quarter Q4, FY 2022-23 and corresponding quarter Q1, FY 2022-23 by 24% and 11% respectively.
  • Growth in PBT and PAT in the current quarter Q1, FY 2023-24 over the previous quarter Q4, FY 2022-23 by 30% and 29% respectively.
  • Growth in PBT and PAT in the current quarter Q1, FY 2023-24 over the corresponding quarter Q1, FY 2022-23 by 13%.

During the current quarter ended 30th June, 2023, Dahej terminal processed 217 TBTU of LNG as against 172 TBTU during the previous quarter ended 31st March, 2023 and 196 TBTU during the corresponding quarter ended 30th June, 2022, witnessing growth of 26% and 11% respectively. The Dahej terminal witnessed a capacity utilization of 96% in the current quarter, as against 76% in the previous quarter and 87% in the corresponding quarter. The overall LNG volume processed by the Company in the current quarter was 230 TBTU, as against the LNG volume processed in the previous and corresponding quarters, which stood at 185 TBTU and 208 TBTU, reporting growth of 24% and 11% respectively.

The Company has reported PBT of Rs 1,062 Cr in the current quarter, as against Rs 818 Crore in the previous quarter and Rs 937 Cr in the corresponding quarter, registering growth of 30% and 13% respectively. The PAT of the current quarter is reported at Rs 790 Cr as against the PAT of the previous and corresponding quarters of Rs 614 Cr and Rs 701 Cr respectively, reporting a growth of 29% and 13% respectively. The PBT and PAT of the current quarter are the highest ever reported by the company in the first quarter of any of the previous financial years.

The Company was able to achieve higher throughput and robust financial results due to better capacity utilization of its terminals and efficiency in its operations.